The Practice invites your feedback on its’ provision of healthcare services. We would be keen to hear your patient experiences on the questions asked overleaf. A more in-depth Survey will take place in the Summer of 2023 concentrating on other Practice matters.
The Chair or nominated representative of the Patients’ Voice Group (PVG) is responsible for collating patients’ views. The PVG meet with Practice representatives on a regular basis, a minimum of four times per annum. All registered patients are welcome to join the Group who meet either face-to-face or via Zoom/Microsoft Teams.
From February 2023 there will be a regular agenda item for discussion at all Patients’ Voice Group (PVG) meetings reporting any key themes, issues or suggestions that have been identified by any patients to help ensure Patients’ Voice Group Members are engaged.
All other patients 16+ years old, upon registration automatically join our ePVG e-Patients’ Voice Group (ePVG) Communication with ePVG members is via the Practice website to obtain their views on specific matters.